PC$1$ - vertaling naar Engels
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PC$1$ - vertaling naar Engels

Sharp PC-1210; PC-1210; PC-1211; TRS-80 Pocket Computer PC-1; Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Pocket Computer PC-1; Radio Shack TRS-80 Pocket Computer PC-1; Tandy TRS-80 Pocket Computer PC-1; Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 PC-1; Radio Shack TRS-80 PC-1; Tandy TRS-80 PC-1; Tandy Radio Shack Pocket Computer PC-1; Radio Shack Pocket Computer PC-1; Tandy Pocket Computer PC-1; Tandy Radio Shack PC-1; Radio Shack PC-1; Tandy PC-1; Pocket Computer PC-1; TRS-80 PC-1

n. communist party, party which supports the socialist system of government


¦ noun a computer small and light enough to be held in one hand.


Sharp PC-1211

The Sharp PC-1211 is a pocket computer marketed by Sharp Corporation in the 1980s. The computer was powered by two 4-bit CPUs laid out in power-saving CMOS circuitry. One acted as the main CPU, the other dealt with the input/output and display interface. Users could write computer programs in BASIC.

A badge-engineered version of the PC-1211 was marketed by Radio Shack as the first iteration of the TRS-80 Pocket Computer with just a marginally different look (outer plastic parts in black, not brown, gray display frame)